Tv tropes rimworld
Tv tropes rimworld

tv tropes rimworld

Sometimes they hate a particular person so much that they will ''actually single them out!'' Imagine the horror of trying to stop your best close quarters fighter, wearing marine armor and armed with a powerful warhammer, as he goes on a rampage in your colony and ends up killing your only doctor. ** Murderous Rage: Blaming the other colonists for their shitty predicament, your colonist goes into a state even worse than Berserk where they ''attack attack the nearest individual'' individual with their fists or whatever melee weapon they have equipped until they are stopped or their ''their victim is dead. Wandering colonists will at least feed themselves, but with catatonia there is also the risk of a colonist starving to death if nobody can feed them. While these states aren't dangerous by themselves, your colonist could end up walking into a pack of animals hungry for human flesh or faint in the middle of battle. ** Wandering/Catatonia: ], the colonist decides to either wander all over the map or goes into a state of shock so profound that they ''falls ''fall unconscious'' and has have to be rescued. And the ending blurb says that your colonists may end up on a paradise world or they may end up stranded on a distant moon, frozen in stasis for the next couple-thousand years.

tv tropes rimworld

* Yes! You've ''finally'' built a ship and traveled offworld! Surely your colonists will seek out a newer, better world than the one they settled, right? Well, here's the thing: their fate is left entirely to your imagination. CasualSpaceTravel is non-existent anyone departing a planet for a Rimworld has no hope of returning home and getting even the ''faintest'' idea of the extent of human civilization is ''impossible.'' When your colonists look through their telescopes, you can't help but wonder how they feel knowing that humanity inhabits those far-off stars, forever out of their reach.


* A subtle source of nightmare fuel is the fact that nobody, not even the god-like arcotech AI personas, has ever figured out how to travel faster than light. The cake has to be taken by Vat Grown Sex Slave, genetically engineered to be inhumanly attractive and too weak to offer any resistance. * Several of the backstory options for pawns are horrific, featuring a plethora of slavery, organ harvesting, cataclysms, and sexual abuse. ''Nothing is known about what could've caused its collapse.'' Even the mountains themselves contained finished resources such as steel and compacted machinery that can actually be mined, heavily implying that they were once part of ''massive'' ancient structures. Armies of high-tech killer robots comb theworld the world for organics to butcher, with some even guarding the aforementioned ancient dangers.


Factions ranging from tribes of humans armed with neolithic tools and weapons to more 'modern' colonies, to even a ] from the Royalty DLC, assuming it isn't merely what's left of a successor state, remain to colonize the world, tools and weapons too advanced to be constructed by ''anyone'' barring through mods and can only be purchased from traders, and ] contained cryocaskets with either their occupants intact or dead and eaten by insects.

tv tropes rimworld

* As you play Rimworld, it will soon become apparent that the world was once ruled over by an ancient spacefaring civilization.

tv tropes rimworld

Armies of high-tech killer robots comb theworld for organics to butcher, with some even guarding the aforementioned ancient dangers.

Tv tropes rimworld